CC3 View


Apologies but I've searched the forums for an answer and can't find any.

I've been sent a couple of .fcw files created in Campaign Cartographer that I want to view.

The link to CC3 View download on the Downloads page is broken. I'm assuming this is deprecated as CC3+ is the current product. Is there an equivalent viewer for CC3+ or indeed a different link to CC3 View?



  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    edited January 2023

    No. The viewer product was discontinued. The problems with a viewer for CC3/CC3+ is that maps rely on artwork installed on the users computer, the .fcw files themselves doesn't have this embedded. This means a viewer would require the exact same installation of artwork as the actual product, which has rendered the concept of a viewer a bit difficult. The original viewer concept was from back in the CC2 days where all artwork were vector artwork that could be embedded into the map files themselves.

    To view .fcw files you will need to have CC3+ installed, as well as the same add-ons that were used to create the maps so that you have the same art resources avilable.

    If you're interested in trying out CC3+, there is a 14-day money back guarantee, but otherwise I recommend you ask the person sending you the files to export them as an image or print them to a pdf file instead.

    Don Anderson Jr.Octorilla
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