SS6 - free imperial grid

EDIT: Ralf has confirmed that the grid will be included in the final templates for SS6, so unless you need it right now you can always wait for the final release.
Hi everyone! :D
I have designed an imperial grid texture to work with SS6, which is free for anyone who needs to put a grid on their SS6 city.
When scaled correctly it represents an approximately 10ft grid.
If this is for you, download the attached zip folder and unzip it directly into:
(your drive may be different depending on how you installed your software, but the rest should be the same)
Then open your SS6 map and click on the FS: box in the top row to open the Fill Style Properties dialog. Pick the Bitmap Files tab and any texture in the Fill Style Name dropdown. Click the New button and give your new fill a suitable name (here I called it 'Grid'). Then click the Find button and Navigate to your new Grid texture, double clicking the VH resolution version of the fill.
Notice that the full hierarchy has been included. Delete everything before 'Bitmaps' and replace it with an '@'
Then set the scaled width and Height to 106 and 22.5 respectively (they're automatically converted to feet and inches in this imperial map)
Once you have set up the fill click OK and make sure the GRID sheet and HEX/SQUARE GRID layer are both selected, then pick any of the shape tools on the right and draw the area over which you want your grid.
The grid may look a bit harsh without any sheet effects. It already has a glow that softens the otherwise very sharp edges, so I recommend adding just one effect to the GRID sheet:
Enjoy your gridding :)
It would be good if this could be incorporated into the final version - along with a metric grid.
It's here for anyone who wants it, Quenten, and not everyone will. So people have a choice in the matter ;)
As for a metric version you could probably use the same grid at a different scale, though you would have to keep exactly the same hieght to width proportions to preserve the angles.
I still hope that Ralf will consider putting this in the final version. And thanks for doing this, by the way. ❤
You're welcome :)
the grid makes it easy to design the blocks and streets on the map. not necessarily present in the final drawing.
I hope they include the grid in the final version.
thank you
Yes please, another vote in favour of having the grids as options in the final SS6 - imperial and metric!
I've just had confirmation from Ralf that he will be including the grid in the template for the final release, so don't worry if you haven't sorted out downloading it from here. It will be put in the same place in the published version.
Thanks very much @Ralf :D
And thank you for making it.
You're welcome, taustinoc :)