An ambush site - Forest Trails Style

I really like the latest materials that we are receiving through the Annuals this year. My players appreciate the variety and options I can incorporate into maps. The maps also to drop into VTT's relatively easily. This one is call Dead Tree Fork, although Otter Hollow was a close second.

Constructive criticism is always appreciated

Loopysue[Deleted User]EukalyptusNowGlitchWyvernroflo1JimPpablo gonzalezRicko Hasche


  • edited December 2022

    Looks good. I like the 3d terrain effects.

    A little bit of Wall Shadow effect would make the bridge railings look better.

    If you want to dress you map up more, add some rocks into and around the creek and maybe a small strip of "edge-faded"sandy/ muddy terrain right next to the water.

  • Thank you, the wall shadow for the bridge railings is a great idea. The creek dressing is an excellent thought as well.


  • How did you get your water to look so nice?

  • JulianDracos,

    First, thank you. Most of the credit goes to the software and LoopySue for creating the styles.

    The river is on three sheets (see below), all of which are in the Forest Trails style. 1 - riverbed 2 - water 3 - deep water. The white lines are an additional water contours sheet. Shessar has a great tutorial on contours (Writtent tutorials/shessar's battlemats/contours) that can be applied to white lines over water to make "foam" that suggests turbulence.

    The rest is just sheet effects. Draw "river" Most common sheet effect is edge fade inner with reduced inner opacity to 60-80%. It's personal preference. Copy river to Riverbed sheet (Copy to sheet - right click copy button) and change the Fill to Terrain, default Riverbed. (Change Properties - right click & select change fill style). Change sheet to Deep Water and add the darker water. Typical Sheet effects are Edge Fade Inner with the inner opacity adjusted until I like the look (40% seems to work well). I usually add Blur as well to make the dark water more difuse.

    Add sheet Dark Water Contours. Set Default colour to white, line width to 0.2 or 0.3, and use the Smooth Path tool (RHS tool bar) to draw the lines. Per Shessar's tutorial, add Blur effect to sheet and play with the Blur Radius until you like you like what you see.

    Adding in some of the suggestions from EukalyptusNow and you get...

    JimPLoopysue[Deleted User]EukalyptusNowMapjunkiejmabbottRicko Haschekilma.ard.venom
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