SS4: No CORRIDOR tool?

I just started my first test map using SS4 (Dungeons of Schley) and I noticed that when I click on the corridor tool, it opens the "traditional" drawing tools (like
, but filtered):Having the inquisitive mind that I do, I tried executing CORRIDOR
and sure enough, I can try to mimic the style used by the default style:
So now I'm left wondering.. why is the specialized CORRIDOR
command not used/available in SS4? Is there something I'm missing?
BTW, the same can be said about the ROOM command.
That's because when SS4 was released the Room and Corridor tools were not included in basic CC3+, you had to have DD3 installed. For SS4 to be usable without DD3, the tools needed to work with the drawing tools instead. Nowadays that would not be necessary. An update of the SS4 menu is probably in order, but you can simply switch to the DD3 dungeon menu (Tools > Menu) for now.
Thanks Ralf, that explains it.