Map with x signs

My map became like this, can I get the same meshes back so that I dont have to start it all over again?



  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer
    edited October 2022

    Have you moved or renamed any of the folders or files in the C:\ProgramData\Profantasy\CC3Plus\Symbols folder?

    You may find this blog article by Remy useful:

  • All of those X's mean CC3+ cannot find the symbol. This could be because you don't have the symbols installed or the progam can't find the location of the symbols.

  • NikodeNikode Newcomer

    No I dont think I have removed those symbols. I keep every symbol what I download. The more symbols, the better.

    Should I send my map to someone of you experts who could know whats the probelm with the map?

    I looked my map and it seemed that all those symbols with x were from the "Forgotten Adventures map pack", but I have keeped the folder always on the desktop, and I haven't changed any names of the files.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer

    Are these third party sets (things you have purchased elsewhere)? There's no problem with that at all, but they do need to be in the Symbols folder I gave the hierarchy of above to function properly as symbols. I imagine that you may have used them directly from the folder on your desktop, in which case as soon as you move the FCW file anywhere that isn't exactly where it was when you first created it, the links will be broken.

    This is all guesswork, of course. A copy of the FCW might help to sort it out.

  • NikodeNikode Newcomer

    I can send my map to one of you experts! :)

    Please contact me (Bring me your email or something...)

  • NikodeNikode Newcomer

    Hey, I solved the problem! I just needed to move the map file to desktop and it loaded the symbols from there!

    Thanks for your help anyway! :)

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer
    edited October 2022

    If that is where the FCW file started out, then you will be fine as long as you never move the map from your desktop. To use your symbols more freely and be able to move your maps around without worrying about red Xs you really need to store all your symbols in subfolders of the Symbols folder.

    These videos by Remy Monsen explain a lot of things about importing third party symbols if you are interested.

    If you need to upload an FCW again you can do that right here on the forum. Just click the attachment paperclip. Or you can do the same in a private message to one of us if you prefer.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer
    edited October 2022

    The reason it works when you move it back to the desktop is likely because the map is set up with map-relative paths to the images. Which means it looks for the images in a spesific place that is relative to where the map is, so if you move the .fcw file, you need to move the image folder along with it so they keep their relative relationship in the new location.

    As Sue says, it is best to keep your symbols under @Symbols\User\somesubfolder

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