Humble Bundle 2022 Darklands Cities 2 No Field Boundaries
I recently purchased the 2022 Humble Bundle and am working on a city map using Darklands Cities 2.
The "field boundaries" catalogs don't show up in CC3+ when I try to select a catalog. I do see all of the required files in windows explorer. (The PNG files and FSC files) However the FSC files are named "CA180A...". I would expect them to be named "CA177..." to match the other Darklands FSC files and as I saw on Live Mapping: Big City Project 3 on the Pro Fantasy youtube channel.
Reinstalling CC3+ and the addons as well as installing the latest CC3+ patch had no effect. Renaming the FSC files to "CA177_Field_boundaries_(imperial).FSC" etc. to match the syntax of the other FSC files did not make them show up in CC3+.
I can still load the FSC files manually and they function as expected.
This seems like a bug in the way darklands cities 2 was deployed but I'm not sure.
Humble Bundle 2022 Darklands Cities 2 No Field Boundaries
The CA180A is the additional Darklands city 2 symbols so that naming is correct and everything should be in the Darklands city folder. When you select the CA180A Field boundaries (imperial).FSC catalog what show up in the symbol catalog window. You should only see a single hedge and stone wall?
You should rename the file back to what is originally called. I assume you are looking at the symbol catalog when using a darklands city map.
If you look in your CC3+ data folder in the symbols/cities/CA177 Darklands city/Vegetation folder inside that folder should be a folder called Connecting inside that folder are the field boundaries symbols your looking for.
If I open just the CA180A Field boundaries (imperial).FSC out side of a darklands city map ie just double click on the file when it opens it shows the last set of symbols I used not the symbols I was expecting however if I open it inside a map they appear correctly.
I have restored the FSC files to their original names.
I do have the connecting folder in the vegetation folder and its correct contents.
When I manually open the CA180A Field boundaries (imperial).FSC in the editor I see one hedge and one stone wall as expected.
I was expecting to see the 3 CA108A catalogs in the "Symbol Catalog Setting" menu. However I do not see those catalogs even if I set the setting name filters to "*". Removing the master filter does show all other installed catalogs as expected. But not the CA180A catalogs.
Go to the Options window just at the top of the Symbols list.
Click on that. On the Catalog Options, click on Expand all Collections. Click Okay.
You will now see 11 hedges. Four stone wall, the rest are green plants.
The reason there are two separate CA numbers is because the style was published in 2 parts several months apart.