How do I break an entity (trying to seperate a single landmass into an island and mainland)

hsv216hsv216 Surveyor
edited September 2022 in Community Support

Hi, I know this is likely a very simple answer to a simple question, but how do I break an entity into two seperate entities.

I have a landmass, that I want to break to have one island and then the main landmass. I know I have seen this in a video somewhere, but not sure where. :( I am tring to break the landmass along that line.I have been trying the break, trim and split tools, but cannot seem to get it to work properly so hence I know it is somethig I am doing wrong. I only end up deleting the landmass when I try those tools.

Thanks a lot.


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    There are several ways of varying complexity - each has a 'best use' scenario. In this situation, since the outline is clear of anything else in the vicinity and relatively simple, I would use the Extract Properties tool to set the active properties to match the land, and then break that polygon open by snipping a small piece out of each side of that neck using the break tool . Then I would right click the Fractalise tool and use "Path to Polygon" from the menu to convert both the resulting bits of polygon back into separate polygons - one at a time.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer

    Just one addition to Sue's explanation above.

    From the small screen shot, it looks to me that this may be an FT export? If so, it may be a multipoly (depending on your export options). If it is a multipoly, it needs to be exploded first.

    (Note that exploding it will also means that any "holes" [lakes] in the landmass will disappear since they will be turned into their own polys instead of defining holes in the multipoly)

  • Thanks @Loopysue I'll give that a shot. 🙂👍

    Thanks @Monsen it was an export from FT. I had already exploded the land as I found that's what I needed to do to trace the land. 🙂 Used trace to define my political borders. 🙂

  • Thanks again guys, that worked. It was a little fiddly using the break tool but still a learning experience so happy days! :)

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