So, why draw maps yourself when you can just have the cat do it for you?
So is this Cat Cartographer 3+?
All my cat does is scream while I do maps. What I took as a cry for attention I guess might be him requesting his own computer to make his own maps.
Awesome catographers!😀
Cats are one of the banes of my existance.😡
They disrupt model building, fling my wargame pieces all over the place, and unlike children cannot bring me beer and pretzels.
So is this Cat Cartographer 3+?
All my cat does is scream while I do maps. What I took as a cry for attention I guess might be him requesting his own computer to make his own maps.
Awesome catographers!😀
Cats are one of the banes of my existance.😡
They disrupt model building, fling my wargame pieces all over the place, and unlike children cannot bring me beer and pretzels.