[WIP] August Competition - Pappy's Pub

I'm just getting started on this, playing around with layout and textures and searching for the best symbols to use. All things are subject to change.

MonsenLoopysueJimP[Deleted User]Mythal82MapjunkieDaltonSpenceRickoroflo1galik


  • An excellent example of a simple corner pub. Maybe add some paths or streets to show what it's a corner of? And a trap door to a cellar where supplies are stored? (I've never seen a bar this small, but then again I don't drink.  ;) )
  • I'm feeling pretty happy with how the main floor is going so far. I've decided to add a basement to it. Still have to think about the exterior.

    @DaltonSpence Working on it. 😉

  • Steps to the cellar seem a bit short. I don't know what the surroundings* of this pub are but if you put the outside door to the kitchen along the back wall next to the stove and double the length of the cellar stairs it would make more sense. Also unless there is a rising ground incline to the south there should be the same number of steps to the back door as there are to the front one. Finally the number and size of windows used should reflect the tech level of the building. 
    (* Remember these floorplans are for city buildings so the surroundings will determine where the exits can be.)
  • Thanks for the thoughts Dalton. I was hoping to add some contour to the outside landscape for the sake of interest, thus the different entry heights, but will keep your idea in mind if it doesn't pan out the way I had hoped.

  • Next round of updates.

    After looking at the original map again and noting where the chimneys and street are, I've decided to move things around a bit. I liked @DaltonSpence idea of moving the kitchen door to the side wall and had to move the chimney's to the side more. The chimney location looks wrong to me now but fits with the city roof so...blah!

    The Pub roof is on its own sheet so can be shown or hidden at will.

    Still lots to do...

    MonsenLoopysueDaltonSpenceJimP[Deleted User]AleDroflo1
  • That is very nice! Well done!

  • Thanks for your kind words AleD!

    I'm mostly done with the first floor though I may tweak things here and there before I'm finished. I also need to define the scale somehow with out it looking more 'mappy' than I want. To be figured...

    Again, the Pub roof is simply a Sheet that can be hidden or not.

    Next up is the basement level.

    Loopysue[Deleted User]JimPAleDDaltonSpence
  • Pappy is what my kids and I have decided my grandchildren will call me (when I actually have grandchildren, which is still a few years down the road, I hope).

  • It's what our almost 2yr old grandson will call my husband once he can say it. He can only say "Pap" right now. Or who knows, it might always just be Pap. Yep, named the Pub after a great Pappy. 🙂

  • Those sacks of whatever between the back door and the stove; is that a safe place to put them?  Maybe I'm paranoid but that looks like a kitchen fire waiting to happen. A pantry cupboard (two thin walls and maybe a door) around them might be safer. I'm imagining a shelf above the sacks for other stuff. (In a modern pub kitchen that floor space would hold a fridge.) I've seen kitchens more cramped but still usable (barely).
  • Oh no! We've identified the source of the Great Vertshusen Fire of (insert game year)! Guess old Pappy wasn't thinking when he left his sacks of flour next to the wood fired stove. Before you knew it half the city was in ash!

    People do stupid people things. I think I'll leave it for a touch of realism. 😉

    [Deleted User]JimP
  • Oh no, @Shessar you are going to destroy the city I spent so much time mapping. The city authorities will be paying you a visit!!

  • 20 days later
  • Here are the FCWs for the maps but I need your help!!!

    If you have all of the free add-ons from Bogie and the Dundjinni Archives, etc. could you please open these maps and let me know if you get any red x's. I never really fully installed these symbols via Vynteri's installers, but rather integrated them into my own file system and I screwed things up when I moved files between my old and new computer. I 'think' that I have them back in the correct folder locations but need someone to check for me. There is no need to tell me what has red x's just that they exist. Thanks! I need this before I can submit for the Atlas.

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    Pappy's Pub_Basement.FCW
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    Pappy's Pub_Floor 1.FCW
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  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer

    Looks fine, except the SH_FOUNDATION fill you used for the walls.

    And a lot of the paths are using absolute paths, so you need to run an FFIX on them too for things to work correctly for people with non-standard installation locations.

  • Perfect! Thanks Remy. Here are the files for the Atlas.

    This is an embed external element. It can be deleted using the delete key or the backspace key. To view the full element, press the preview button below.
    Pappy's Pub_Basement.FCW
    184.68 KB
    This is an embed external element. It can be deleted using the delete key or the backspace key. To view the full element, press the preview button below.
    Pappy's Pub_Floor 1.FCW
    176.86 KB

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