Can you import an image to a layer and then trace over it to create a CC map?
I'd like to create an alternate history map of the United States based on old state borders. Is there a way to import a state border map into CC3, then trace over the coasts/borders to create a CC3 map? (then turn off the visibility of the important map).
You can insert any image in jpg or png format into CC3+ using Draw -> Insert file. Note that this inserts a reference to the file on disk, so if you move/rename/delete the file it will stop showing up properly in CC3+.
Make sure to put it on a dedicated sheet, and then you can move that sheet up/down in the sheet order when tracing if needed, or just hide the sheet.
There is also the trace command. It won't work for everything on the map, but you can automate some of the tracing if you want: