No symbol catalogs listed in Symbol Catalog Settings dialog
So, I did all the steps I could find to properly install CC3 on Vista 64 (Ultimate, if it matters) after experiencing various problems. This was all done on my admin account, which I do not use for non-administrative purposes.
Later on, I was mucking about on my normal user account and decided to do the tutorial in the user guide. Things seemed to work fine until I got to step 16, "Click Symbol Catalog Settings". The objective is to select "CC3 Filled Mountains" from the listing. Unfortunately, there are no catalogs listed at all, though the screenshot in the guide indicates that there should be 8 or so. I was able to find an FSC file that seems to contain these symbols, but I'd rather not use workarounds when I barely know the application. I decided to look into it on my admin account, and noticed that the catalog listing shows up there without issue.
Is there a setting that I need to configure or import in order to get the app set up properly on my non-admin user account? I'd like to get things set up properly before I try to make anything I might want to keep, and I don't know if any other areas are not configured for regular users/users that did not perform the install.
Later on, I was mucking about on my normal user account and decided to do the tutorial in the user guide. Things seemed to work fine until I got to step 16, "Click Symbol Catalog Settings". The objective is to select "CC3 Filled Mountains" from the listing. Unfortunately, there are no catalogs listed at all, though the screenshot in the guide indicates that there should be 8 or so. I was able to find an FSC file that seems to contain these symbols, but I'd rather not use workarounds when I barely know the application. I decided to look into it on my admin account, and noticed that the catalog listing shows up there without issue.
Is there a setting that I need to configure or import in order to get the app set up properly on my non-admin user account? I'd like to get things set up properly before I try to make anything I might want to keep, and I don't know if any other areas are not configured for regular users/users that did not perform the install.
If you did install it there, uninstall and install it like this: c:\profantasy\cc3
I had to do that for my Vista Home Premium computer. Its a Vista problem having to do with the changes in computer permissions. I have also had to do similar installs for other software.
I installed the apps to a drive I have specifically for random applications, and have thus far not seen issues with other software installed to it (granted, that software is a bit more robust in the Vista-handling department). I will try this when I get a chance, though I'd be happy to continue to hear any other suggestions.
For reference, I have: CC3, CD3, and DD3 installed. I also noticed that there are a couple of more entries in my admin user's registry for CC3 than there is for my non-admin user, such as the serial keys. Not sure if that might be contributing.
WinXP, the first account you create is your admin account, and gives you admin privs. In Vista, the first account you create says it is an admin account, but you don't have admin privelidges.
tutorial on how to activate the Vista hidden admin account.
Administrator Account
All the symbol catalog settings are stored in subkeys in this tree.
Thank you two for your assistance.