Right-hand tools won't respond to color change

As the title. Very baffling problem. The tools on the right side (e.g. Box, Circle, Line, Freehand, etc.) won't respond to what color I select. No matter what color I pick when I use those tools, the resulting line or shape or whatever I draw comes out as a pale greenish, similar to (but not the same as) the green of the land in the mapping style I'm using (Fantasy Worlds). Drawtools are fine - if I activate a drawtool and pick red, the resulting shape/line is red. But the tools on the right side will not draw in the color I select.

Additionally, these shapes - once created - don't give the normal visual feedback when selected. Usually if I pick an object for an operation, that object turns magenta once selected. Not these - they stay that pale green. There's no indication at all that I've selected anything, other than the "1 picked" in the command line at the bottom. And, using the "Change Color" command on them doesn't work - they stay that same pale green color even after changing them to red or black or whatever (and the "Keep" command also claims that the object has indeed been changed to a different color... but it hasn't).

Have already restarted CC3. This is happening ONLY in my current map - an earlier iteration of the same map, saved under a different filename, doesn't have this issue.

Any help is appreciated, this is really strange. Pic of a weird pale green box attached (you can see it just above the mountains on the right side in this close-up screenshot). Objects created with the right side tools STAY this color, always, no matter how many times I select them or use change color on them.


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    What sheet effects are on the sheet(s) you have the land and the rectangle drawn on, and are they switched on?

  • CielCiel Traveler
    edited July 2022

    Firstly: thanks for the response Loopysue, I appreciate you trying to help me troubleshoot this.

    But, as it happens, I figured it out... sorta.

    So basically, I'm an idiot XD or at least, unobservant. The fill style got changed to "CA 28 grass" which is, as you can no doubt guess, a Grass fil style associated with Annual # 28. That's why everything I tried to make with those tools was that pale green (but drawtools were fine because they specify their own fill style when selected). I didn't even notice, somehow, that this was the case. Changing the fill style back to "solid" fixed it.

    However... the reason I said "sorta" is that the manner in which that fill style was selected is... kind of weird. I've never used that particular fill style in this map style - as in, I have never gone into the Fill Style menu in the upper right and manually changed the fill style to "CA28 Grass". Because I have no use for that fill on this map.

    What I DO use, a lot, is the "Keep" command. If I want to draw something or place a symbol or whatever, and I need my parameters to be the same as something already on the map, I use Keep on that object to match them up. And as I have just discovered... a bunch of my symbols - including both of the dots you can see in my screenshot (the black/white and the black/white/red one) which represent cities, AND that black square - have this "CA 28 Grass" as their fill style according to Keep. Which is a bit strange. Obviously none of these symbols have a grass fill, or ANY fill. So I don't know why most symbols just have "Solid" listed as their fill, but then some symbols have, of all things, "Grass" listed as their fill. That said, it doesn't seem to matter for the symbols themselves, but I got into trouble with my use of Keep, since I clicked it on a symbol which changed my fill style to the grass and I didn't notice...

    But hey, at least it's not a glitch!

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    Don't worry - I didn't see it either, even though the current fill style is right there for me to see ;)

  • CielCiel Traveler

    Well that does make me feel a little better, at least it wasn't just me XD

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