The City of Summerwall
Been working on this city for many weeks during some downtime in my ongoing rpg campaign. The players are finally going to enter it this week so I guess it's done now :) This is using the John Speed style with a handful of very rough symbols I added in by hand. It's meant to be more of a "local artists rendition" than anything drawn to precise scale.
Very nice and clean. I think the arc on the bridges could be a little less pronounced looking, perhaps? I like you colosseum and greek temple and other little things you have added, and especially the district labels.
Yes! The bridges are probably due for a rework more than anything. They were one of the first things I added when I still wasn't sure of how I was doing to develop this map. Thanks for your thoughts!
What a great map!
Fine-looking map!
What are the "manhole grilles"? Sewer entrances? Wells? Ancient catacombs?
Sewer entrances that 100% lead to ancient catacombs :)
I can't see any manhole grilles.
And can you share the extra symbols - I gather they are vector, and would be useful to add to the symbol set for this style - which I love and have already done a few maps in.
I can't see any manhole grilles.
The most obvious one is in the middle of the central crossroad, by the foot of Pearl Tower, but there are several others that are pretty obvious once you get your eye in.
Got it, thanks. Any chance of sharing the new symbols? Just posting the fcw will do it, for vector symbols, if you are willing to do that.
Sure I'll post the fcw shortly!
File attached! I think I have most of the new items captured as symbols, though there is plenty of little bits of micro-doctoring & patching with vector drawing directly on the map. I think for the most part that's just gap-filling though.
Thank you so much. I will do a map using these very shortly. Redjase, the city will be called.