Strange artifacts from the Bevel sheet effect
I'm getting these strange rendering effect from the bevel sheet effect on on of my drawings. Does anyone know how to fix this?
The bevel effect is used to create an elevated platform in the centre of the map. I adds these little triangles on the top of the platform.
They don't appear in CC3 unless I zoom in but they appear when I export the image as can be seen below.
That's a form of 'transparency acne', where the current rendering engine in CC3 suffers an error if a pixel on one sheet is the same colour as the underlying pixel on another sheet. The identical pixel is interpreted as a hole exactly one pixel in dimension, and the sheet effects are applied to its edges - hence the buckling effect when you have a bevel. The Bevel Lighted effect creates little craters, and the Edge Fade Inner creates telltale circular holes.
To cure it you can either use a different texture for the affected parts, or insert what I call a separation sheet. You can do that by adding a new sheet just underneath the one with the problem and copying the affected entities to that sheet. Then turn them purple, or some colour you can be sure isn't in the texture. 227 is a good colour to use.
Thanks Loopysue, that has work perfectly.
You're welcome :)