Graphics Tablet
I searched here with both 'Tablet' and 'Graphics Tablet' but could find no discussion of it. I was hoping I could find a way to use the tablet pencil to draw a freehand land outline, but I can't see anything to do that.
Not sure it makes any difference, but I'm trying to use the pencil on my iPad Pro with CC3+ to precisely draw my land contours. My iPad Pro is serving as my second screen, where CC3+ window resides. I can use the fractal poly or smooth poly all day long, but can't do what I'm trying to do.
Cc3+ is mostly built around the concept of click-release, move, click-release to draw entities. Most drawing packages, in contrast, are based around the concept of click, drag, release.
Cc3+ does have the FREEHAND command, which is click-release, move, and click-release, with the entity drawing multiple nodes during the move part of the command. Unfortunately, this interaction mode isn't available with the drawing tools.
Be nice if CC3+ could import an SVG with a freehand poly. Thanks.
There are converters from SVG to whatever CAD format it is that CC3+ can import.
DWG and DXF are the ones listen in the File -> Open menu
I expect they only work with vectored SVGs, though. Which not all SVGs are, though I suspect a freehand poly saved in that format would be.
@LizaMonatik44 Well, I drew it on my iPad using expanded screen and my MacBook Pro with CC3+ running in Parallels in Coherence mode. Works a champ. However, the pencil is not as useful as it would be on a more typical UI. Still great because you can precisely position a node (if that's what you need).
@taustinoc I need to do some research on the best tool to make a DWG or DXF for import. But I might just see about editing the fractal poly I draw on the rough and then add nodes. That sounds like a PITA though, but at least it wouldn't require a different program.