Community Atlas - Stromphe - Speaker's Villa

I am undertaking an ambitious project, do do all the floors of the Speaker's Villa (sort of equivalent to the Prime Minister's official residence, and a palace), based on this villa, the Villa of Pollio Felice, now renovated as a hotel in Italy.


  • Also try to make it with Overland map Mr. Quenten :)

  • "Ambitious" isn't the word I'd use. More like insane! I'm having trouble reconciling the second map with the first so maybe you should stick with the villa floorplan for now and set up its surroundings later. As for placing it on an overland map showing the roads and sea routes used to get there would be helpful to adventurers.
  • The overland map is already in the Atlas - Stromphe - Dockside district. - dockside.png

  • Sorry, I misunderstood. Are those domes, towers or dome topped towers? I was a bit surprised that the villa had no open courtyards but I suppose it may be a bit late to change that. I look forward to your floorplans.
  • The roof level, as shown, is being done first, and it is still very much in the planning phase, but the overall structure is set. It will indeed have open areas though - the solid roof is not a set feature. This is possibly a draft of a draft - just getting the structure from the district map, into this one.

    The domes represent domes AND towers - this is not just a standard Roman villa, but an over-the-top mish-mash of styles as previous tenants have added their own bits.

    Once the roof level is done, I will then do the floor levels for the villa only, not the surrounding buildings. There are 5 above ground levels, and there will be two below ground levels.

    The floor area is 80 m x 60 m (about 262' x 197'). I prefer to use metric, because I really have no feel for imperial after so many years of using only metric in Australia, both in the community and at work. I still have no idea why imperial units persist.

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