How to load macro files at startup.

I am having to load a macro file to get Link Map working every single map. I'd like that macro file to load automatically.


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer

    There isn't a global option, but all maps have a OnOpenMacro which is run whenever you open that map....

    But be careful about loading new macro files. When you load a new macro file, the current one is unloaded. And a lot of the buttons in the interface calls up macros, which then break if you load a different macro files without these macros defined. In general, I never recommend ever loading a new macro file, but either add your custom macros to the default fcw32.mac file, OR have your macros as scripts instead which you can call on with the SCRIPTM command instead of using macros (A script is basically a macro contained in an external file, one macro per file, doesn't have the MACRO/ENDM lines, and is run when you call it instead of loaded like a macro file)

  • What I mean is that it isn't loading any macro files on start up.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer

    If the main macro file itself doesn't load at startup, there is something wrong.

    First of all, check that the file exists in your CC3+ data directory. It should be named fcw32.mac. This file is a plain text file which you can open up in any text editor, so open it in notepad or similar to verify that it looks fine. Should be a little less than 1800 lines in it, give or take (I don't think the file I checked was modified, but the number is just to give an estimate anyway to give a rough indication of the expected size.)

    If the file is missing, or obviously corrupt, there may be a backup file in there that you can just rename to fcw32.mac and have a try.

    If none of that helps, I suggest you contact technical support via your account pages.

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