Landscape mini tutorial
i was asked for 2 persons to more info about this kind of using CC3+.
so i made this simple example in step by step, hope is usefull to someone.
First i took a image jpeg from Yosemite from internet to use as base image.
Then open CC3+ using Mr. Mike Schley overland and create new sheet trace. For those dont know how to trace i suggest this high quality video
and added transparency effect on TRACE sheet
Started to select mountains images similar with the base photo to start work.
Start to place tree symbols to fill up the landscape image, those are the first line.
Start to make second and third line having in mind to cover first lines roots to give profundity.
Added Scrubland image to have a grass efect, after placed, selected all and click Change Propertys to sent them to Symbols Back - so they can stay behinf the roots of the last tree line.
Added so Jungle Fill image where will be the river coast.
map visual with trace Sheet hidden so far
Added Landmass where wil have earth
map visual so far start to gain form
Placed some Clouds, You select some of them on Symbols Back Sheet, and some them in Symbols sheet, so some stay behind and some in front. Good for Profundity
Opened Mr. Mike Schley Dungeon Style to get some rocks, and placed them into river
Added more Jungle Fill image above the rocks to have more river vegetation.
Draw some more landmasses that will be hiden behind the rocks and jungle fill image on river when refresh the work.
Selected LAnd Sheet, add effect - Edge Stripping, and chose one that fits me to upload in the work.
If you dont know how to add this effect @Loopysue made a great tutorial about it:
Add some Waves in Symbol Back Sheet
Add some Countour in the river to get a blue little bit different from sky
Now time to decorate your landscape if you want... or not
Some red mushrooms, horse, eagle flying (More eagles in different position will be nice to make a group them flying) and a tower on top.
Ready to go!
i missed this one im sorry 🤣😅🙈
thank you!
Good stuff!
Brilliant. Thanks so much for this. I am going to attempt to do on such map later this week.
Thank you for this mini-tutorial. Very informative!🙂
Thanks - great approach! Looks like this weekend's project.
On this tutorial, @Loopysue show how to improove the map color at the end of the creation.
Personally i feel more comfortable importing the final image on lightroom to retouch some colors.