Shaded Polygon problems

Hey all. So, I'm having a problem and it's been a long minute since I mapped. I have a polygon that i have on an angle as cobblestone for a walkway and when i try to use the Shaded Polygon (angle by edge), after typing in EDITSHADING i do not get a pop up box to choose "Shaded Copy Only"

Any idea what's going wrong?


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer

    Hi Lorelei! :D

    Are you selecting the shaded polygon after hitting enter on that command? It should come up after you select the poly.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer

    Are there any other entities that can get in the way? Editshading is a single pick command, so if the edge of multiple entities end up within the pick cursor, it may be picking up the wrong one. The command also automatically abort if you click somewhere where there is nothing to pick up.

    I also assume the entity got shaded in the first place when you used the Shaded Polygon command on it. You can check this by using LIST on the entity, and see that it is made up of 2 entities, one SHADING entity, and another 2D Polygon entity.

    You can also try Numeric Edit instead, when used to select a shaded polygon, the result will be the same as EDITSHADING.

  • No, it was a single polygon. It seems to be working now, sort of. The fill changes angle, but I do not get the pop up box? Weird. I also seem to be having problems with my multipoly, as well. Occassionally when i create one, it disappears. Completely invisible....yet i am able to select it. I've tried changing properties, color, fill, solid, hollow, you name it.....nothing. But, when i close the program and go back in it worked. I dunno what kind of weird glitches Windows 11 may have caused. I also cannot view any pngs unless I view them in file explorer first. THAT is REALLY a challenge.

    Thanks for your quick responses. I've been playing around, taking it slow with my arm and worked on a map for my D&D campaign. I'll post shortly.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer

    Win 10 does that not showing the png thing too, and it is a pain!

    You've been away a while... have you installed the latest update? Number 27, I think.

  • Yes i have. It's been a big pain in the A**, as I do not have symbol catalogs. I've simply got too many symbols saved in my personal folder that i've used so often that creating symbol catalogs now would kill me with red x's, so I still do a regular old search through my symbols folder for whatever I might be looking for.....this little glitch has made map making take twice as long for me since i first search in file explorer, and then go back and do a search in CC3+. Here's hoping a fix is coming soon :)

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