A book on the Normans and their castles
🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
I was in a Barnes and Nobel bookstore recently and I found and purchased this book. 'The Normans Warrior Knights and their Castles' by Christopher Gravett and David Nicolle.
Besides tactics and politics, there are a number of photos of ruins, drawings that show archeological re-creations, and floor plans. The floor plans are donjons and entire castles, like the castles at Dover and Chateau-Gaillard. I haven't read the chapter on castle defense, but it looks interesting. I found two drawings in the book that show fields of fire for bows.
256 pages, including index and glossary. Lots of color photos and drawings. Cost is $18.95 in the US. ISBN: 978-1-84603-218-9 Printed by Osprey publishing.
I recommend this book.
Besides tactics and politics, there are a number of photos of ruins, drawings that show archeological re-creations, and floor plans. The floor plans are donjons and entire castles, like the castles at Dover and Chateau-Gaillard. I haven't read the chapter on castle defense, but it looks interesting. I found two drawings in the book that show fields of fire for bows.
256 pages, including index and glossary. Lots of color photos and drawings. Cost is $18.95 in the US. ISBN: 978-1-84603-218-9 Printed by Osprey publishing.
I recommend this book.