Path control points showing up in render

I've consulted Google, the forums, user manual, Essentials, and the Tome and can't find anything about this... All the control points for my straight and curved paths are displaying all the time in CC and also showing up in my renders. I would like them not to. 😒

The yellow lines are path tools I created, but I think I've tweaked every option under the tool settings and can't get the control points to go away. The big chunk of river is a stock River, Default - so it's not just my custom tools doing it, it's every path.


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer

    Try pressing CTRL+F, which toggles the control point visibility. What's visible in the map (that isn't a snap grid) will be visible in the render.

  • KazKaz Newcomer

    OMG thank you, I knew it would be something simple. Searching Control Points in all three documents didn't give that info... and I just went back and tried searching "ctrl" and there seems to be no documentation on Ctrl-F at all... or my search skills are garbage... I see it in the menu now too, but Tools>Drawing Aids>Toggle Frames didn't stand out to me as a solution for control points. 🙃 Hopefully this forum entry will show up in search for the next poor idiot that didn't realize he hit Ctrl-F. lol

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer

    You're welcome, Kaz :)

  • Yes, it's one of those minor irritations that's very easy to find you've accidentally done, only to spend hours trying to find or remember how to correct it... The advantage is that using so much time means you'll be more likely to recall it next time. Probably... 😉

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer

    It is listed in the Tome, in the command list, but as with everything else, when you don't know the actual name of what you are searching for and no good way to figuring it out, finding it is understandably difficult. In CC3+, control points refer to a specific function you can add to symbols, to set them up to align to/resize to/cut entities when placing them.

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