New Drawing Wizard City Error

Hello all!
I got CC3 about six months ago - used it heavily for several months (a dozen+ big maps) but then stopped using it for just as many. When I got back into it this last week, I've noticed that all of my City options for the New Drawing Wizard are blanked out - none of them are visible. I can still select blank lines for Copyright, Scale, and Map Name and they will show up on the map (where I can fiddle with them more), but Compass Rose absolutely does not appear.
It is only the City maps where I have this trouble: Dungeons and Overland ones are fine. Did I miss something in the intervening months? More importantly, is there a workaround for this type of thing?
I assume you are talking about the Annual Jon Roberts cities here?
I think it is just a color issue, the symbols in this style is quite simple, and mostly white, and the white symbols on the white background makes them invisible.
Note that you don't have to place them from the new map wizard, you can also access these symbols after starting the map by hitting the Symbols in Map
button. (They'll be just as hard to see in the symbol catalog window though, unless you change the view window color from the View menu to something not white.)
Thank you for the prompt answer! It struck me as strange, as I swear I could see outlines of them before, but you are correct that Annual Jon Roberts is the only one affected. Symbols in Map is a good fix. (I hadn't paid attention to it before, just followed tutorials for basic overland ones).