Is there a way to Edit New Drawing Wizard?

I am trying to make a treasure map Annual 58. The parchment backgrounds have a giant red X. This is because it is trying to load CA48_OldPaper. There is no such file, it should be CA58. So while I could contact tech support, wait for them to change it, upload it, and then download the file again, I would prefer just to edit a file now. I just need to just a 4 to a 5.


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    edited February 2022

    The wizard fetches things from the map template. So you should be able to fix this by editing the template file for that style, which should be found in @Templates\Overland Maps\Wizard

  • I found it. What I would do is open the Fill style, go to the files, and then set it to the correct fill?

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    edited February 2022


    I don't see any red X'es in my installation for that template though, I actually have those CA48_OldPaper files. But it does seem to be a misnaming at some point, since CA48 shouldn't have parchments.

    Checking my install logs, they were installed along with the 2011 annual complete setup, but if you have this issue from a humble bundle, the files may have been accidentally left out as a result of the original miss-naming....

  • Weird. I bought the Annual (2010) that has CA 48 in it a long time ago. So if there is any CA48 files, I should have had them no matter what came with the humble bundle. I have looked but I can't find that files anywhere. I loaded up the B&W dungeon. It offers me a parchment background, but it is just labeled parchment.

  • So it turns out that they just mislabeled CA58 files as CA 48 files. They were left out of the bundle. This would explain why I had CA 48 installed, but not files - because they are really CA 58 files.

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