Style Suggestion: Ragnarok

I am working on a map using Darklands. I was trying to make it look more wintery. I was going to suggest a winter style for the map, but there did not see enough to add and that is an old style. So I started to think about a new style pack, maybe based on Darklands, but maybe not.

What I have in mind is a autumn/winter themed overland mapping style. Game of Thrones has "winter in coming." The Norse have Ragnarok. So I am thinking a dark/ominous feel the map. Sort of like winter is around the corner (or here) and the world may end in darkness.

What I am thinking in specifics are things like:

Different snow & ice terrains

A tool to draw fjords easily or maybe a symbol

Mountains with snow caps or completely covered in snow


Glacial walls

Frozen lakes

Ice bergs

Floating ice sheets

Geysers/hot springs


Lava terrain

Lava filled crevices

Ash terrain

Trees covered in snow

Trees with fall colors

Trees that are dying (not dead). This would mean a symbol with some colored leaves still attached

Road symbols that look like they are going through snow

Town with smoke coming from chimneys

Cities/towns with wooden/stone walls

Cities/towns made up stone or wooden logs

Cities/towns with snow on the roofs

Towns that work with a glow effect so that they seem the source of light in an otherwise darkening world

Burnt out towns

Castle ruins

Siege weapons

Viking longboats

Runic symbols/style font

I am sure there is more that could be added, but that is what I have in mind. Something that fits with the darkness of the land from The Witcher, Game of Thrones, Ragnarok, etc. during autumn/winter.

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