WIP Urban sepia

Celebrating third week with omicron* pushing out some sidewalk paving on this one. I will most likely end up toning down the lines of the sidewak somewhat, seeing as they are - of everything in view - the farthest away.

Gonna have to work out what to do with the elevated tracks (i.e. beams or no beams for the topside). There is time for that now, however, since I used colour key to cut out parts of the contours of the sleepers where the rail runs. I really like breaking contours of a to-the-back element when something crosses over it, but it just takes forever when you do it manually (i.e. fake-lifting the pen for each sleeper).

*I lost olfactory more or less entirely, which is not great but also not terrible: between no scent and taste, and everything tasting like **** I am kind of glad it's the former to be honest.

LoopysueMonsenDaniel Pereda De Pabloroflo1GlitchAleDLizzy_Maracuja


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