Issue with Trace

Hello Everyone

I am doing the beginning tutorial in the CC3 manual and it starts out fine. But I having an issue when get to the point where you add grasslands it has you trace the coastline. I follow the instructions to start the area and then around the 3-4 point it has you press T to start the trace and then click the coast line, follow it for a bit and click the end point.

At that point, it show an wide circle that and then when I right click to finish it off, it put the grassland out side of the area that I selected. I know that it is a smooth vector and so will not go directly where I click, but not sure what I am doing wrong for it to complete due the opposite of what I asked or what the tutorial shows

Best Answer


  • Not sure I am completely following you. It may be the case that you are tracing the water and not the coastline. In that case, it may help to turn off all of the sheets expect the coastline.

    I have issues with trace in the past, some maybe this will help:

    1. Click on an area on land inside the coastline that is near the coast.
    2. Once clicked, it should now give you the option to trace, so hit T
    3. Find the halfway point of the area you want to trace. Click that spot
    4. Now go and click the coastline again at the location you want to start the trace
    5. Move the mouse around the coastline until you get to the point you want it to stop the trace. Then left click
    6. Move the mouse inland if necessary to be near the end point.
    7. Right click to finish
  • Thank you for the quick response.

    I followed what you suggested, starting with just having the coastline sheet turned on (originally I only had the land one turned on) and I still getting the same issue. I got screen shot this time to hopefully better illustrate what is going on.

    Screen Shot 1 show what happens when click the End point of the trace and the big circle appears.

    Screen Shot 2 show how the effect fills the circle but not the area I had outlined for it to fill.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Accepted Answer

    Even with screen shots it's pretty difficult to work out what is happening here.

    Maybe this tutorial by Dogtag will help?

  • Thank you very much, that did solve the issue and showed where I was making the mistake.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
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