How to use PALSAVE and PALLOAD
Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone could help me learn how to use the PALSAVE and PALLOAD commands? I've been unable to find resources elsewhere. Many thanks!
This blog article by Remy Monsen explains everything
I appear to be having a problem. Whenever I save a palette and then check the directory, it's completely empty.
Where are you trying to save it? I usually keep them in a subdirectory of the main CC3+ data directory, and they save fine for me.
Note that there do seem to be a problem with the picking them using the graphical file browser, so I advice you to make sure to type the file name on the command line, NOT right click to bring up the file browser.
I was just messing with this myself last night.
It seems like if you right-click, navigate, and type in a name, it somehow fails when you hit enter.
But then if you click (which runs the tool again) you see the path in the command as a default and you can just hit enter or retype it as you see it from there.
It was quite difficult to fully understand what was happening though so take that with a grain of salt.