Mountain Colorfastness is changing

Hello I hope you can see the Problem on my picture, if I start adding Mountains they have a nice shiny white at the top (green arrow) as soon as I drop them to my map the top becomes greyish (red arrow) is there something I can do about it ?

Thnx for advising me ;-)


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    Looks like you are using the varicolor version of the mountain instead of the regular version. The varicolor version gets colored by whatever color you have chosen on your color bar.

    You should be able to see this from the preview in the symbol catalog, as the coloring should be applied there (as well as a square color indicator in the top right of the preview window, but varicolor won't work on the symbol at your cursor, so it will always look the same color there, only when placed down is the varicolor applied.

  • OK yes - that was my mistake - always if I restart with cc3+ I confuse my self more than necessary

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