A couple of faults

I have been experiencing a couple of weird things with the Annuals and am hoping its been seen before so I can fix it.

1. In a couple of the Annuals (e.g. Issue 27, the Relentless ship) I get some strange drawings full of boxes with a red x in them, yet others work fine. Everything is installed in the same directory under CC3/Annual/Issue... I use Win XP Home SP3.

2. I get an error that CC3 cannot perform the SQRGRD command. That happens when I right click on the grid icon and select Square Grid from the drop down, regardless of whether I am using Annual files or mpas I created myself. Hex works fine.

Also, I am waiting on my boxed sets to arrive. It has been two weeks since purchase, but I live on the other side of the planet (in New Zealand, so I mean that literally). How long should I allow for the shipped copies to show up?


  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    The red X means it cannot find what ever is located at that spot on the map. Be it bitmap fill or symbol.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    2. Hmm. SQGRD is not a valid CC3 command. It shouldn't really be in the menu. Seems like a bug. Anyway, if you look at the hex grid dialog, you will notice it handles both hex and square grids. You are meant to always use this one for both types, s just select the Hex Grid option even when making a square grid.
  • Thanks Monsen. Strangest thing: Today I deleted the software I'd downloaded and re-installed from the boxed set. Lo and behold, a right click no longer has a drop-down menu for square grid or hex grid. Now it is a radio button choice on a settings window. I cross checked the release levels installed and confirm I have 3.24 which, according to the FAQs, is the latest version. So I will chalk this one up to insufficient sacrifices on the Altar of Technical Uberness.

    My boxed set arrived yesterday so if any other newbies in my part of the world are reading, it took 18 days for a shipment to New Zealand.
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