[WIP] Fantasy Renaissance River City

To give myself something to focus on in-between trying to make city-scale mountains work, I've started on a more straightforward river city map. It's very much a work in progress, using a Watabou generated layout to give me a base to work from, and then editing it to fit the lore of the game I'm running.

The city will be divided into districts identifiable on the map by the tones of the watercolor textures I'm using for the housing (browns/earthy tones for the industrial area, reds/pinks for the Dwarven quarter, and so on), and the shaping of the architecture. Ultimately the industrial areas will want a more polluted, hard-done-to look. There'll then be shanties and lean-tos outside the city and within the floodplains, where the more impoverished workers and the destitute reside.

All feedback gratefully received!

roflo1Loopysue[Deleted User]Lizzy_MaracujaMonsenTonnichiwaAleDLillhansGlitchRicko Hasche


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