[WIP] Modern city map
I'm doing lots of progress on my map of the city of Oakwood, the setting for our upcoming 90s horror campaign.
Lots of tiny details, places of interest, even the home of the PCs is already marked with modern map markers found online.
Numbers will be added to easily find what we're looking for.
When it's done, I'll test the large export tutorial for it.
Very impressive. Only one quibble. Modern cities rarely have such neat boundaries.
Wow! I really love it!
That's indeed true, I definitely need to add some more details and a bit of smaller roads breaking this up.
Thank you! 😊
And the fresh version of the map with colour coded city districts, numbers and changed city boundaries.
Which 90s horror game will you play?
Thank you 😀
We use a simple 2d6 game we created based on Barbarians of Lemuria.
We had a first adventure for Halloween - dimensional portals, strange creatures, and in the end, the characters realised they were genetically engineered and altered people from the other side, actually. Who were brought to our dimension like changelings, who grew up thinking they were human. Now they will find out more about their true nature, while still trying to stay themselves. All while the other side invades their hometown.
We were having such a blast we'll do a whole campaign in the city. 😁
And now I'm populating the city, naming businesses, bars, etc.
Oh dear. That will take some while, even when doing just the stuff we need.
But: This random name generator is a huge help.
Mithril & Mages - Modern Business Random Name Generators (mithrilandmages.com)
That sounds super cool!
Being a cheapskate, I have only the lower-cost PDF Legendary version of Barbarians of..., but like a lot of the simpler-mechanic Sword & Sorcery style RPGs, it looks quite fun (never tried it for real, however). Good to know there are still people prepared to adapt and amend rules-systems this way though. When I began with RPGs (mid-late '70s) that was the norm, though I know that's much less common these days.
There are a lot of handy random name-generators freely available online now. There've been several mentions of some on this Forum over time, so if you get stuck, you might try a search here for those - or simply an ordinary web-search for "random name generators". You'll likely find more than you can possibly use (even if most are ostensibly for fantasy gaming)!
It's a really nice, ruleslight system - I really recommend it. There is an generic version as well, Everywhen.
But since we had the German translation of BoL, we just used that. We enjoy tinkering with different rulesystems and engines, creating games which are really fitting to what we want at the table. Some of our games sound like the starting point of a good joke. Like "A Sicaria, a CIA agent and a Parkranger meet in a house during a zombie outbreak". 😂
Thank you!
Yes, random name generators are such a great help. Had lots of fun using the one I posted for modern day businesses.
You'll be showing us the railway timetables to get to Oakwood next (but I'm not getting on Joe Sargent's bus there)!
[The latter's a Lovecraft reference from The Shadow Over Innsmouth story for anyone confused...]
A gem of a city. Do they have guns and viruses running amok. Beginning to think most world cities are becoming Lovecraftian these days.
They always were Quenten; just becoming increasingly difficult to conceal that fact 👽🦑
We don't go to that town. We never do so. That bus is taboo!
They sure do. But most of all, they are facing an extradimensional invasion from a higher developed, shockingly humanoid species that uses the fog coming through cracks between the dimensions. The underground laboratory to find out more about dimensional portals wasn't such a smart idea overall.
But yes, that might not be their only trouble 😄