Crops for Greenhouse Domes

I recently created a map containing a one acre greenhouse dome with a grass floor for my Martian “Gas” Station using the CA147: SciFi Bases template. Since the purpose of the dome is to grow crops and provide life support for the base I would like some crop symbols to put in the dome. There would be four "fields" separated by 10 foot wide dirt paths, each with a different "crop". How should I do this?


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer

    How about turning that green to a soil texture, or 4 very slightly different soil textures, to represent 4 different states (how dry, how recently manured, etc) and then making a new sheet with a shadow effect on it and drawing lines and dots representing crops on that in at least two different greens. The scale means you don't really need to have specific plant symbols. They would be too small to be recognisable.

    To give you a general idea of how little detail you would require at city scale (which is what I presume this is), this is a screen shot of the city scale field textures I've made for Darklands City 2. The most detailed texture here is Field 09, but even a field of relatively huge cabbages is little more than repeated lines of green dots.

  • I'll have wait until Wednesday to use them I guess. Each field would be less that a quarter acre (0.22354 acres to be exact) with a maximum dimension of 112.75 feet. What size are your "city scale" tiles? Also do the "CA180a Field *" textures represent any specific crops?
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer

    Wednesday? Oh - no this is the bonus issue. Marine Dungeon 2 is Wednesday, or thereabouts ;)

    I think the bonus issue is sometime in December or early January. I can't honestly remember when it is usually published.

  • DaltonSpenceDaltonSpence Mapmaker
    edited November 2021
    I've found a bonus issue is usually published at the same time the regular monthly issue it is attached to is. I haven't noticed a delay but then I don't always download the latest issue immediately. What I will have to wait for is the year's aggregate volume to be posted so I can install it to update the Tools menu → Addons → menu.
  • There are various stripy field bitmaps available with others of the CC3+ city styles in the Annuals already, assuming you have them - look in Profantasy/CC3Plus/Bitmaps/Tiles/Cities, for instance. At this scale, you could also use trees, maybe reduced in size, for larger crops - like fruit trees or bushes, for example, or even plants the size of cabbages. Again, there are some fruit tree symbols for some of the styles if you hunt around a bit.

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