What does the lifetime license include?

I'm trying to figure out what exactly the difference between the lifetime and one-month licenses includes.
Secondarily, I'm trying to figure out if the version of CC3 I got from the Bundle of Holding is a lifetime license (It doesn't say) since I also bought the recent Humble Bundle.
I have not seen a one-month license before. I have seen a one-year license. Essentially the difference is time. Lifetime means you can keep using the software forever. A timed license expires after the period and you won't be able to use it.
To use the software, you have to activate it through setting up a Profantasy account. If you have done that, you can login and see your software. That might tell you which license you have.
If you bought the level that includes Fractal Terrains 3, Symbol Set 4 and the World Builder's Compendium, then you also got the lifetime license for CC3+.
Otherwise you got a 1 year license, unless you bought the lowest (3 item) bundle, which doesn't include CC3+.
The OP has two purchases. The first was a Bundle of Holding. The second is the Humble Bundle. I think just trying to sort out what license type was in the Humble Bundle.
It was about both things, in fact!
So if I didn't have the lifetime license, I would have gotten a popup saying my license expired when I tried to use CC3+ just now (since it was purchased in 2019)
So these are basically the same thing, and I can donate the other code to one of my friends!
And if you gift the new key to a friend they'll get the full CC3+ product when they enter it at profantasy.com.
Perfect, thanks!
If you are in any doubt about what you have or don't have, @Irrgardless, please contact Tech Support through your PF account page to find out for sure.