How to Zoom to a specific %

i can zoom in or out in default increments but not to a specific %. For example how do I zoom out to 68%?

i like zooming out to the print size now and then to check if everything is looking good at the actual expected print size



  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    You can't zoom to a specific % because that concept doesn't really exist in CC3+. CC3+ is CAD software, and the content is always rendered to whatever size you select, there isn't a "full", "print" or "actual" size.

    With an image editor, zooming to 100% makes sense, because that means that each pixel in your image is being showed as the same size as a pixel on your screen, but CC3+ maps aren't expressed in pixels.

    For print size, that really depends on what scale and paper size you want to print at. As with showing on screen, print isn't a fixed size, CC3+ renders the output to match your print settings.

    Considering your screen is likely to be much larger than a sheet of paper (unless you are working on a laptop screen), zooming to show the same content that will be on your paper wouldn't really give a perfect view of how it looks on paper anyway, since the paper is so much smaller.

  • RuskhRuskh Newcomer

    Thanks Monsen. I am zooming out in the default increments provided while making the map and then exporting the image at the print size now and then to check if it looks sharp enough at the print size and it's good enough. Would have been good to zoom out to a specific % but i'm getting a hang of what wall widths for example look good enough on print and what widths are too small.

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