Carthographer's Collection 1 - How to use?
I got the Humble Bundle package, and I don't quite understand how CCI works. It says that it provides tools for creating maps in CC3, but I don't see any new symbols at all. There's a new file I have that looks like this when opened in a program.
Clicking on the boxes doesn't do anything.
I have the same problem. I believe the links to the files are incorrect but not sure how to repair them. Everything is in the directory just not reflected properly in this file.
I don't have access to that particular installer, so I can't test it out myself, but it looks like things aren't set up right., possibly a bug with the installer. I'll notify the appropriate people. Check back to this topic later.
There was an error in an early version of that setup. This has been fixed in the meantime. Please re-download the setup from your registration page and re-run it.
I had an identical problem with Cosmographer, which I ultimately narrowed down to the installation directory. I changed the installation path of CC3+ to d:\ProgramData folder, because C: is a system-exclusive drive on my computer. The Cosmographer installer, however, uses the c:\ProgramData path as default, ignoring the directory where CC3+ is actually installed. Because of that, it never shown in CC3+.
I only resolved the problem by reinstalling CC3+ to the recommended path on C: drive. If possible, please try to fix this issue.