Problem with exporting

Hi, sorry if this has been dealt with before, but I dont really know how to word the issue to see if I can find an answer. When I export my map, sometimes i get strange missing bits of texture on the grass fills, as shown in the image, does anyone know what this is/ how to fix it?



  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer

    I think you have run into the issue of Transparency Acne, which is when the rendering engine identifies two pixels from overlying and underlying sheets as being the same colour and therefore a pinprick hole in the topmost sheet. This would be harmless, except for the sheet effects on the topmost sheet. Edge Fade, Inner sheet effects, and both bevel effects are affected by this, and produce a tidy hole or dimple around the edge of the pinprick as if it was a real hole in the polygon.

    With this style the easiest solution is to add a new sheet between the two existing grassy textures and copy the polygons from the topmost sheet onto it, then turn those new polygons on the new sheet a solid colour that is least likely to be in the topmost texture. Then copy the Edge Fade Inner sheet effect from the top sheet to the new 'backing sheet' and tweak the values up just a little to prevent it from showing around the edges.

  • OrrikOrrik Newcomer

    Thats brilliant, thank you so much!

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer

    You're welcome Orrik :)

  • I think "Transparency Acne" should be placed as No. 1 on a "Common CC3+ Problems Tip List". I usually see someone mention it at least once a week.  ;)
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer

    I agree. We are working to erradicate this problem, but in the interim it might be a good idea.

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