Mirrored Copies, Symbol Making Hassles...

Hey all!

Inspired by Ralf's Heraldy vid, I'm attempting to define my own symbols based on my campaign world. Only, I'm having problems.

1: Mirrored copies is NOT matching up my design.

2: I cannot determine at what point during symbol making that I can make the symbol varicolored.

3: I cannot determine how to save a new symbol to a catalog I've just made.


If you take a look at these 2 shots, the ones in red clearly show a line down the center of my symbol. I don't know how to prevent that using mirrored copy. Image 2 shows what the design looks like after mirrored copy then the process of trying to line to path, path to poly, etc. Obviously, I am doing something wrong. Also, at what point can I make one of these into varicolored? I've tried various options in Symbols to no avail.

Note, that I have no choice but to have a symmetrical design. My brain can not tolerate anything else.

thanks in advance



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