WIP Ostralura

I have decided to map in detail the small continent in the western hemisphere of my world of Myirandios, to just have a break from Atlas maps and commissions.

Obviously only the beginning. I am doing all mountains first.

The main rivers, topography (altitude and biomes), and mountain ranges were already done on the world map using solid fills. Now I am 'Mike Schleying' them.


  • A close up section where I am working on at present. I have modified a desert and scrub fill. I would really like to make them more irregular with the Fill with Symbols. Symbols in area doesn't seem to work so well for me.

  • A final (?) Version

    Lots of Aboriginal names - I love using them, and love the sound of them

    The main ethnic group are the black race of the Wallori people; the other human race is the white Dreschleben, who have migrated (fled) to this area and tan/sunburn very easily (like Australian white Queenslanders). [White males occupy the lowest social rung, bit like black women did in the 1960's USA; whereas black women are the top rung, like the white males in 1960's USA].

    The Aeifa are scattered in the jungles, and are dark olive skinned (Elvenoid); the Davarrin (brown-skinned) stick to their two cities (Dwarvenoid) and the grim inhabit the Fiery Circle (Orkoid).

    Mimburi and Imarbari are the strongest and waelthiest nations, and compete for hegemony over the neighbouring polities.

    Mimburi is a republic, like ancient Roman republic just after the Punic wars; Imarbara is an Empire, like the Songhai empire of medieval West Africa.

  • To help me with placenames, i have constructed an ethnic map of the continent, with an explanation of the races, and their terran prototypes as listed below:


    Australian Aboriginal are the dominant race on the north-west of the continent, the Maori to the south-west, Teutonic in the middle, Arabs in the north-central, and north American indigenous to the north-east and Thai in the south-east - with colonies of Aboriginal and Maori scattered throughout.

    ALIENS (Human)

    Australian Aboriginal: Light Black - Wal’loori [Ugazi + Harting] North-West

    Maori: Dark Red - Maraotaki [Gildu + Chingawuk] South-West

    Teutonic: White - Dreshleben [Vanukin + Kwetzatl] Central

    Arabs: Green - K’Alab’an [Fatahutopan-Akonirian] Central-North

    North American: Red - Hiawakee [Chingawuk + Kiyak] North-East

    Thai: Yellow - Ayosha [Ming + Rathani] South-East

    Wolfen: various – Filigathù – Central-South

    Lupin (“wolf-dog”)

    Vulpior (“fox”)

    Raptior (“eagle”)

    Elves: Dark Olive – Aeifa Eastern Islands

    Dwarves: Dark Brown – Davarrin Scattered

    Orcs: Light Brown or Green – Grimir Central-East

    Vampires: Various – Fampeir Scattered

    [White males occupy the lowest social rung, bit like black women did in the 1960's USA; whereas black women are the top rung, like the white males in 1960's USA].


    Draconians: Various – Dilolai Wetlands and Jungles

    Dragons: Various – Sharwarnio Mountains

    Mer: Various – Muru Sea

    Daemones: White – Dinganù Sky

  • Here are the political entities of North-West Ostralura, dominated by the Wal'loori peoples; with a few small nations of Wolfen, and Grim; and many of the forests inhabited by Aeifa.

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