WIP - Bend Road Crossing
Darklands fits perfectly in my current scenario - a Druid ruled land where the Druids are draining the power from the land. Need to clean up and add text labels to building. (Brewery, Tavern, Inn, Stables, and Slaves quarters.) Not sure what the ruins on the north side of the river represent yet.
Comments and suggestions appreciated.
That's a good map.
I'm pleased to hear you are enjoying the style :)
As a side note here - that transparency acne in the south west corner can be remedied by redownloading the updated installer and using it in repair mode. The textures have been repaired to prevent it in most cases since the original publication.
Thanks - the acne didnt appear until I converted to jpg, will try updating the installer tonight and re-running.
To be honest, if the acne was reliably present, it might be an effective addition, suggesting something was going really wrong with the land there.
Acne cured - Thanks Sue :) Wyvern - right, the plan is change the grass from rich to reg to dry each time the players visit. Who'll notice first? Worked the ruins in the swamp (SW corner), tweaked roads and added some dirt. Still need to add labels and dirty it up a bit yet.
That looks better!
You can thank Remy for helping me with those textures, by the way ;)
Ready for play --- not perfect, but playable. Next steps are to layout the ruined Brewery and when the 2nd Darklands comes out, will rework to show continued draining of the land.