WIP - Dungeon Maze

I was experimenting with creating a maze for fun. There's no particular use for this map other than learning how to do certain functions. Obviously I haven't finished putting in all the symbols and other fun stuff, but I'd appreciate any feedback you all might have to offer.
Doesn't take me long to solve a maze laid out like this. I see there a few ways through, depending on the goal.
Excellently done. Very nice artwork. I can imagine your players will be quite confused with this on a VTT :)
@ Calibre
I know it wasn't too difficult to solve when you're looking down on the whole maze. But imagine walking into something like this. You enter one set of doors and must try to find your way through on your own, with no peeking over the walls.
It was all just for fun anyway. But in the process, I learned a lot about certain tools and techniques which I hadn't had a lot of time to play around with before. Baby steps, really. Once I stretch my wings a little bit I'll try and tackle some illustrations for my book and website. I've done a continental map already, but it doesn't have all the detail I want yet.
Thanks for the comments.
My players hated mazes. I made small rooms, with some having four doors, some less. Some were teleports to other parts of the maze.
Have I said my players hated mazes yet ?
I used dungeon tiles I drew, so they never saw the entire maze at one time.
Did you design the maze yourself, or is it from one of the online maze generators (like this one)?
Always an interesting challenge to draw, certainly.
Though what I'm imagining is how much the poor souls who had to lug the big table all that way way in must have been cursing, never mind the barrels and crates!
You are absolutely right. For time sake, I did not design the maze myself. I think the website was called mazegenerator.net or something like that. Your link takes you to the right place. I just pulled the file into CC3+, put it on its own sheet, and used that as a guide for my walls. Using "ortho" to draw the walls over the original maze made it incredibly easy, but I had fun nonetheless. The trees and stuff came from the CSUAC. Nothing original from me and really no artistic talent on my part. It just took a little of my time.
In regards to all the labor needed to move the heavy furniture into place, I think I got a hefty discount from "Dungeon Deliverers."
You know, I think I get the overall vibe that your players hated mazes. Can't imagine why not. Doesn't everyone like wandering around in a claustrophobic place in which you haven't got a clue where you're going, and most likely you can only see a few feet ahead at a time? I think I'll book my next vacation in a maze. Or is that amazement?
Well, they hated the 10' x 10' rooms. So the next maze they encountered was 20' x 20'.
Both of my sisters looked at each other, then at me and said, 'We hate you.".
So I replied something like, "So, you want the mazes to be bigger ? How about 50' x 50' ? Will that be okay ?"
Two glowers in my direction later... apparently not.
Next up: a round maze instead of a square/rectangular one.
What about a 3D maze, with both rectangular and round ones. Hehe - now that has given me an idea. Just for Jim and his sisters.
I could do a round one, for sure. That would be fun. But Sue made a brilliant round maze already as an example map for her connecting hedge symbols. I'm not sure how she made such smooth curves around the entire circular pattern. I think she got her maze pattern from the same place I did, or rather, I got my pattern from the same place she did. She was obviously first. I certainly need to give credit where credit is due.
A 3D maze would be really cool. But do you mean a three dimensional maze in either a rectangular or round format? Or do you mean a combination of the two? The first would be very, very difficult, I'm sure. The second I'm not sure could be done. Nevertheless, it is food for thought.
Jim, you sound like a real hard nose when it comes to being a DM. I guess you're no pushover.
I do put jokes my dungeons. Not many, but they are in there. I made it easy for player characters to come back to life.
Anyway, here is a two level area of Dwarf Home. https://crestofastar.drivein-jim.net/dwarfhome/
Most of the maps there are CC2Pro or CC3 with effects. There are several tunnels like this in Dwarf Home. This is on level 2.
The X-numbers are things like debris or fog, smells, etc.
jumping here because I got triggered by "connecting symbols". In the (annual) guide and catalog the symbols are all for corners. Is there a how-to on how to make these go smooth around arcs or cicles? Also, it seems I always get 2 catalogs, one with the straight symbols, one with the corners. Any ideas?
Connecting symbols only supports corners. You can emulate circles to a certain degree by drawing symbols that are arcs (Connecting symbols is mainly concerned about the start and end of the symbol, not if the actual shape is a round or square corner) but you would basically be pre-defining the possible size of that circle.
Check out Linda's railroad catalog here. (Scroll to the bottom of the page)
You're welcome.