effects - sunken or the one where you cut out a piece of a sheet to reveal the one beneath
🖼️ 10 images Surveyor
hi, I've been watching various videos on YouTube trying to find ones where I can have the hull of a space ship having the effect where the deck sunken into the hull and also the one where it looks like you've cut a piece of the top-most sheet away revealing what is lower but can't find the videos anywhere. I'm baffled by how to set the effects up as well.
Do you mean where you use a Glow effect set to Inner on some kind of a FLOORS sheet?
The Color Key is used to cut holes in the polygons on a top sheet to reveal what lies underneath. The default cutting colour is majenta (colour 6) so you would need to add the sheet effect and then draw the hole in solid majenta.
I've got a Deck and, visually speaking, the Hull is below it - i.e you can't see the entire hull. What I can't do is to have the Hull wrap around the Deck in the way a pastry comes up the sides of whatever the filling is. Does that make sense?
As far as cutting holes is concerned, I think I'll master one effect at a time, but thanks for explanation as to how to do it. 😁
Can you put up the artwork so we can see what you are talking about, please?
here it is
there's a story reason for the size of the deck
Do you mean like this?