WIP: Now, for something completely different...

Hey all,

Heretofore, I've thrown out maps from my gaming group's typical games: galaxy maps, Middle-earth maps, and so on. Well, here's a map I am now starting which is one of my own. I created this back in the 80's. Back then, I did everything using acrylic paint, ink pens and brush on large sheets of white paper. This map is one I really enjoyed and I am dredging up from sheer memory. I use DarkLands style by our beloved @Loopysue . Here we go.



  • Moving off-center. Never center your shot! 😁

  • Adding interest and I already know the backstory...

  • Making the continent of Estonisch.

  • Estonisch is a continent of strange magick on the world of Arcandus. It lies behind extraordinary Bounds of Flux. These are varying barriers of essaence which alter the thrust of the Power. Mages from other continents who come here will realize that their powers alter, their arcane knowledge is not what they thought it was. What they relied on, is no more. Instead, only elemental magick operates on Estonisch. This is an ancient land of mystery, elemental power, and destruction and remaking on an epic scale. Its history stretches back aeons and its future is uncertain as the denizens battle age-old evil and political wars.


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer
    edited August 2021

    Cool seeing how you approach the design of this landmass, especially how you started with the circle guides.

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    Thank you, Remy. I remember drawing this out in pen & ink on paper heh. It's been a long time.

  • We begin. It will be a long process..heh

    Theschabi[Deleted User]LoopysuejmabbottJimPDaltonSpencemike robel
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer

    Looking like a really attractive land shape there, Calibre :)

    The interesting thing about the idea of centreing or not centreing the shot. Painters are taught never to plonk things centrally without thought for the overall composition with emphasis on thirds, fifths and sometimes sevenths - diagonals and golden rectangles... all kinds of stuff I learned and subsequently forgot over the years, while photographer's are taught exactly the opposite. Place the subject central to the shot.

  • Actually, Sue, Photographers are taught the same as you describe, not the centre of ther shot - at least all the professional photographers that I have taken in person and video courses with.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer
    edited August 2021

    It must be different in Australia ;)

    I went on a photography course and was told off for not placing the flower right in the centre of the shot.

    But the real point of what I was saying was that it actually doesn't matter at all - as long as it looks somehow balanced to the person who created it. Some of these rules make me giggle.

    mike robelCalibre
  • JimPJimP 🖼 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace

    I agree Sue. Its like being told to paint only inside the lines.

    [Deleted User]Calibre
  • Hey all!

    Well, this is going to be a lot of work! Thanks for the encouragement.

    Yes, I too, was taught in photography that the most interesting shots were off center. My instructor did the opposite of Sue's, alas. But, I agree: it's case by case heh.



  • Well, update. I have some concerns 😁

    DaltonSpenceWeathermanSweden[Deleted User]RalfLoopysue
  • edited August 2021

    Trailing islands make it appear as if continent is 'drifting to the west'.

    Lava rivers? hmmm

    Cartoony land shapes.

    Too many mountains? Not sure

    As an aside, tho relevant, my Trace function is going wonky again. The trace line is skipping over nodes again even on poly's with only 56 nodes. Also, the trace line ignores where I click to select and tries to trace an entire entity in the wrong direction. Trace was doing fine until I installed latest Annual + Update 25. sigh

    Anyway, I'd appreciate any and all critique.



  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer

    Trace have an unfortunate aversion to smooth polys. You can usually get it to work as desired by turning them straight temporarily, trace, and then turn them smooth again.

    As for going the wrong way around, it will do that until you have moved your mouse far enough from the starting point that you pass the selection point. Trace always go through the selection point, so if you haven't moved your mouse far enough yet to pass the selection point, it is forced to go the other way around to be able to go through it. I usually always make my selection point quite close to the starting point (but far enough away that I am 100% sure it is on the right side of it) to minimize this behavior.

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    Thanks, Remy

    I'll try to keep and eye on this and re view tutorials heh.


  • I'm curious about the water levels. Is the inner lake higher, lower or even with sea level? Do changing tides reverse the flow of the rivers?
  • edited August 2021
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    Greets, @DaltonSpence

    The water in the center of the continent is the Inner Sea. It has it's own ebb and flow. Aeons ago, it was a vast plain called Mor Stonisch. But during the Elemental Wars, at it's culmination, the unimaginable elemental powers unleashed and the resulting cataclysm, wreaked havoc. Thus, the plain was sunk, breaking the tectonic plates beneath. Where once were two, now there became four tectonic plates. In eternal opposition, they now grind one upon each other, creating the Sea of Chaos. The effects all this has on the 'normal' Sea are astonishing, stretching the limits of credibility.


  • Well, even if it looks like the continent is moving, it's just continental drift, so no problem.

    I see no problem with the land shapes, and as for Lava Rivers, why not?

  • I was thinking more in terms of tidal effects caused by the moon's passage which would affect the outer sea level more than the inner one because the outer sea has a greater volume of water to move. If the mean water level in both is the same the "rivers" would run backward at high tide. Tectonics would have nothing to do with that unless the world is extremely geologically unstable.
  • Working country by country...

    Not settled on names yet, but I am liking the Font.

    JimPLoopysueDaltonSpence[Deleted User]
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    Greets, DS

    Well, this is merely one continent on the world of Arcandus. It has three moons. Interesting insights you have there. I generally tend to let the viewer decide these matters for themselves unless it becomes pertinent to the adventure or modifies a character's ability rolls. Thanks for the help.


  • This truly looks like a great gaming setting. With three moons the tides and weather must be very… interesting. Fortunately the mountain chains will tend to protect the inner continent from extreme winds. A scale bar would be helpful though; I was thinking more in terms of large island than continent.
  • Thanks, DS!

    Well, plodding along. I cheated a little and used Spectrum 'marsh' fill (I think it's called) because I couldn't find one for Darklands and I love that fill 😁

  • Hey all,

    I'm starting to wonder if this is too busy looking. The continent is 1785 miles N-S and 2255 E-W at the widest points. That's rather small for a continent. I was also envisioning it being probably twice that size. I suppose I could fudge the scale bar when I add it. I only have a couple more 'nations' to do, but I'd really like some feedback please. Too much? Not enough? ETC.


    Theschabi[Deleted User]JimPDaltonSpenceDak
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