WIP: Calibre vs Beleriand...
And, the winner is, so far, yep, Beleriand. 😁
Here's a map I will be using for another version of my Middle-earth Campaign. This is for when the major group cannot play and I have 1 or 2 who can make it. As you can see, I'm fighting symbol resizing and text layout as usual. Any advice will be appreciated.
Thanks for thumbs up, guys, but I am in a fight to the death against the symbol manager! 😁 And, it easily defeated me.
I was trying to find a way to scale all tree symbols in this map. Symbol manager informed me that, yes, I can. All current and future altered symbols would be at the new scale. Not So! heh. When placing the tree symbols individually, some were rescaled, some not, and some at scales I didn't set.
Is there away to restore the symbols to original scale all at once? Since I rescaled them, why did Symbols in Area ignore the new scale? I checked each symbol in the manager and it showed the new scale, but with SIA, they populated at original scale. Obviously, I need better training on the symbol manager heh.
thanks in advance!
Let's see if this updated version is going to fit...
@Calibre wrote:
I was trying to find a way to scale all tree symbols in this map. Symbol manager informed me that, yes, I can. All current and future altered symbols would be at the new scale. Not So! heh. When placing the tree symbols individually, some were rescaled, some not, and some at scales I didn't set.
Changing the scale in symbol manager is done on a one for one symbol basis. So if you did it to a single tree symbol, then that particualr symbol would be rescaled and also placed at the new scale, but not "all trees". Symbol manager also only shows you symbols you've used in your map so far, so it is impossible to use it to use it to change scale of future symbols you haven't used yet.
Also remember that the scale you set in symbol manager will represent the default scale of the symbol, but a symbol will still be affected by the current symbol scale from the symbol parameters dialog.
Is there away to restore the symbols to original scale all at once?
No. You need to scale them one by one in symbol manager. And note there is no concept of original scale. Once you have scaled something, the actual entities are changed, it's not something that can just be turned off again. You need to scale them with the appropriate reverse operation (for example, if you scaled them to 0.5, you need to scale them by 2 to get them back to the original size.)
Since I rescaled them, why did Symbols in Area ignore the new scale? I checked each symbol in the manager and it showed the new scale, but with SIA, they populated at original scale.
Are you sure you used the same symbols? I did a quick test, and SiA obeyed the scale of the symbols according to the symbol manager. Note that SiA uses the default symbol scale for the map though, so while manually placed symbols are also affected by the scale from symbol parameters, SiA is not, it fetches the default value from the drawing presets dialog instead. Of course, there is also a scale option inside SiA, if that is set to anything but 100%, that will also change the scale the symbols are placed at.
Hi Cal, Great map. I really love this style, @Loopysue did a great job with it and you've done it justice.
Symbols in Area and Fill with Symbols use the default symbol size as per the Drawing Properties window (available from the File menu). So if you want to change the scale globally, that is the place to do it. No idea why it didn't behave as expected via the Symbol Manager. That;s something I've not really looked at, so can't help there.
In newest version not yet posted, I corrected Ossiriand so that, in fact, there are SEVEN rivers 😁
Thanks, Remy and jmabbott
I suspect I thought I chose the correct symbols, but as Remy noted, probably chose the wrong ones. Interesting that I have to reverse the math on restoring them to 'normal' scale. Hmmm. Perhaps in future versions of CC we can get a 'restore to default' option? I'm not a programmer, so cannot possibly know if that's doable.
Yes, @jmabbott , absolutely LOVE this style by @Loopysue and eagerly await the CD version 😁
That is why I do multiple 'save as' as I work on my maps.
Load the template, and make basic settings. Save as filename01_0001, do some work, save as filename01_0002, etc. until I am done.
That way if I mess up, and I do, I can go back and branch off in another direction if I need to.
One of my The Mithlas Halls maps had to branch off due to scaling, etc. problems.
Greets, everyone
Well, here is my final version pending critique from you lot 😁
Background Info:
I've set the adventures in FA 310. Feanor is long dead, the High Kingship of the Noldor has passed to Fingolfin. Maedhros has been rescued; Maeglin is already born. Glaurung attacked centuries ago and it is now The Long Peace. My players chose to be liegemen of House Finarfin, so we start in Nargothrond (can't wait to do the maps!). We run it in RoleMaster and it is very High Level, which I am not yet accustomed to. We shall see how this turns out heh heh heh.
Hi Calibre,
Another fantastic looking map. I have one comment though, Release the Balrogs.
ROFL. My players won't like it, but why not? 😁
Just an update and the FCW for those who want...