Local Area of campaign world

I've been wanting to do a map using the Pete Felon style for some time now. So this is the work I've put together. It's not quite complete. Still have to put lables and some other features on but I was eager to show this off to everyone here.
Local Region


  • That's something very nice and very Fenlon-like you've got here!
    I'd add some blur to the forests though. They seem to compact and there's a repeating pattern. I could be an effect of the size, though. I bet your map is bigger!
    Great work and good placement of symbols.
  • Yeah nice! Would like to see a bigger version when you are done. Can't see some of the details now.
  • Looks really nice and a great coastline/lake shapes - something that can be tricky to get right. I really *do* like your coastline and isalnds - good job.

    The hills and mountains are beautiful

    The forests look a little 'heavy' and out of place, like they need to be thinned a little or something. I might be inclined to try a background color for the forest and a thinner application of tree symbols. (IMHO)

    The scale placement and lack of labels on it seems unfinished (which it might well be)

    Overall I like it quite a bit.
  • Thanks everyone! yes it still has some work to go yet. I'm in the process now of adding some ridges from this style. In particular, I'm trying to get a coastal cliff area along one part, but it just isn't working out like I'd like. I'll post some shots and would love some input on how to improve them.

    The forests: yes they are too heavy. I'm going to try a custom forest tool that will have the trees thinner spaced.
    The coast: the coastline and all lake shapes are curtesy of Fractal Terrains. Perfect for this sort of scale :)
    The size: I plan on posting a bigger version when complete with the CC3 file attached in case anyone wants to have a closer look.

    Before I'm done, I'm going to try some experiments with political boundaries too. Just not sure how this style will work with that... Guess we'll see!
  • bearclawbearclaw Traveler
    edited August 2009
    So here's the next level of work on my local region. I've increased the blur on the forests and changed the color of one. I also added sea-side cliffs along the northern coast. I'd like to hear any feedback on those. I've labeled all the major political entities but still have to add town/city names and names for geographical features.

    I still want to try out some form of political boundary features a la Sarah Wroot style but I haven't got there yet. That'll be the next update.

    I uploaded the original to Photobucket as a really large map for Gandwarf's viewing pleasure :) but it doesn't want to come out as a nice big pic like your posts have. It is big (4000x3200) so downloading it should give you an excellent look.

    Local Region 2
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
  • Fantastic map! The Pete Fenlon style map was the whole reason I bought CC3 originally. I haven't progressed as far or as well as you however. I can't seem to get the font either, don't know what's up with that.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Posted By: bearclawI uploaded the original to Photobucket as a really large map for Gandwarf's viewing pleasure :) but it doesn't want to come out as a nice big pic like your posts have. It is big (4000x3200) so downloading it should give you an excellent look.
    Photobucket resizes the images you upload, so even downloading it from there doesn't give a bigger image than shown in your post. You may wish to try another service. I believe flicker allows much larger images (But then again, I rarely use those services myself, so I am not 100% certain)

    As for your map, I think it looks really nice. The forests look much better now than on the first name, and the labels makes it look much more interesting.
  • Yep, some great improvements... would like to see a bigger version though ;-)
    I uploaded my maps to imageshack.com
  • bearclawbearclaw Traveler
    edited August 2009
    Ok, lets see if I did this right.
    Here's a link to imageshack for a bigger version (I hope...)
  • edited August 2009
    Great, thanks!
    What do the tree lines inside the forest mean ?
  • In the big forest? they, uh.. mean that there... is ... a

    Ah screw it.It's an error I did. I drew that forest in 3 parts and didn't clean up the point that joined together. I drew that north part after the southern part so they are not overlapping correctly
  • Need a bigger version!
    No, just kidding. Thanks for uploading it to imageshack. The map looks good. It's always nice to be able to zoom in to see some of the details. No further comments at the moment.
  • Of course, I've taken a page from your book, Gandwarf and I've removed the borders. I've expanded this map to cover the whole contenent now... looks like I've got some work cut out for myself.
  • The cartography virus is spreading ;-)
  • Great work, bearclaw. The Peter Fenlon style from the annuals is one of my favorites too.
  • How did you make those trees and mountains?
  • The trees are a drawing tool with the Fenlon style. Just draw your shape it fills it in. Easy.

    The mountains are Fenlon style symbols. For the white peaks, I increased the scale by about 50-60% then placed the colored peaks at normal scale.
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