Glitch with new Annual
🖼️ 46 images Mapmaker
Anyone else experiencing this when starting a new map in the Marine Dungeons annual? I've tried a repair and remove to no avail. It's not a big deal, as I can, of course, create a new screen and correct this, but there is obviously something not right here. It only happens when I create a map of a size other than the 1000x800 standard starting size in DD3. The first one is a 500x300 map and the second I tried 180x120 - both in feet.
Seems like there is something weird going on with the screen entity in the template.
Something for @Ralf to fix and put out a new version I suppose.
Oh dear!
Sorry if that is down to the way I draw my screens!
I'll have a look....
Please try with these two version of the templates. Does that solve the problem?
huh. Nope. It's fine when i open it, but when trying to start a new map, it once again mucks up the screen. Perhaps it's my set up somehow? I am STILL getting the white borders when saving a png or jpeg file, despite choosing the option to size the save to my liking (though that has nothing to do with this I think, it is an indicator that something might not all be right with my setup?)
Did you copy to them to the right location (@Templates\Dungeon\Wizard\) so they overwrote your old files? I get the same problem you reported with the old files, but these new ones work fine for me.
As for getting the white border during export, do you have the option "Restrict to Map Border" on? If not, it will pick up everything, including the screen. Crop Image aspect ratio should also normally be on.
Nope, i did not have it saved in the Wizard folder - that would explain why it didn't replace any file when I saved it. Thanks guys 😁
Also, you're right, those options were both unchecked - I wonder why and how that happened? I've never unchecked them - and it's been quite a while since it's been saving like that - i've always just edited the png in PS afterward to get rid of the screen on the sides. Weird. In any case, I'm going to have a crack at this annual though I have work to do on my own projects, I just can't resist doing something for my own campaign - it's so pretty!!