Grid problem with grid button: unwanted crash
Marco Conti
Hi to all:) I've a problem with the grid. When I try to edit an existing grid with the grid button everything is smooth. When I try to add a new grid cc3+ crash. I dpn't know what I'm doing wrong :( Anyone knows this issue?
Thank you guys :)
Is this a problem with a spesific map/template, or does it happen for any map all the time?
It seems to happen only with cosmographer 3. I tried with city designer and I added a new grid withput problems
There is a bug with a few of the Cos3 templates. You can grab an updated version of the installer from your reg page, or download the fixed templates only from here. That should hopefully fix things for you (note that fixed templates means it will work properly on new maps crated from these. For existing maps, I recommend just copying things over to a new map once you have confirmed this fix works for you)
Thank you, I'll give it a try ;)!!!