FT3: a Mars-like world, but with blue oceans ?
🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
This is for a Star Frontiers world, where the sun is of type M or K. A red dwarf type.
I guess I could just use one of the Mars color sets in FT3, but the one I have done, it is all red... a bit difficult to tell where the ocean is, and where the land is. Could be a reddish-blue. A difference such that a person looking at it for the first time can tel sea from land.
Any suggestions on what to modify to accomplish this ? A copy of the original file of course.
First, load and apply the Mars color setting
Then, go to the Altitude tab of the Lighting and Color dialog, here you can set blue colors for the sea. Just set the sea level and lowest depth color, FT3 will calculate those in between, and you'll probably want to bump up the value for number of colors too.
Oh good. I was spending time pulling my hair out trying to change each ocean color by color. The way you mention will be much easier.
Here is the result.
930 pixels.