Live Mapping: Ancestry Annual

Hi Everyone! :)
In this week's session Ralf will be highlighting the June Annual 2021 and showing us how to create a genealogy tree as a demonstration of the style.
Come along and join in the fun :D
When I saw this was the annual this month I started looking up my genealogy to see if I could build a cool poster for my family.
It made me realize how few generations it takes for things to get out of hand ?
Hey, what ever happened to last week's session? Did I miss something or was there just no stream last week? I didn't see any kind of announcement anywhere, so I was kind of wondering if Ralf was sick or something. Or maybe just some more technical problems like two weeks before.
Just a German holiday, so Ralf took some well deserved time off last week.
Thanks for the info, Remy. I hadn't heard anything in advance, and was just taken by surprise, that's all. I don't do facebook or anything like that, so I thought I might have missed an announcement. Besides, I live in America and I'm not aware of European holidays.
We usually don't announce "missed" date, only planned ones. So if you can't find an announcement, it is probably not going to be a stream. But if you subscribe to the YouTube channel and click the bell icon, you should be notified by YouTube when there is something.
30 minute call :)
Here and waiting.
I have a number of uses for this annual issue.
I think it's going to turn out to be a very useful annual indeed, not just for adventure writers, but for novel writers too.