Community Atlas-Elen Daelarion-The Mithlas Holes, 8
🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
Plains and scrub ? Any forested areas ? I see the Laranion forest to the east.
Glacier fed Lake Aladair. Paths/roads between the Mithlas Holes and Ebereth ? Or no longer in use roads ?
The political map looks like grasslands and/or scrub. And the 'older' map looks like rolling hills.
I measured the distance and it is about 12 miles between Mithlas Holes and Ebereth.
Hard to make out. Ilas Lake ? Eye and L or two ii ?
Anything else ?
Thanks Quenten.
The Mithlas Holes - NE of Daedafel Fort. Best seen on the Modern Political Map. Closest town is Ebereth, to the north. (it is an elven settled area, with farmland).
It is the last dungeon.
I'm looking at the original fcw file. Elen-Daelarion.fcw from the Atlas. It isn't a recent one though.
The two lakes are about 77 miles long. The village to the Mithlas Holes is 10 to 12 miles. Ah, the rocks to the west are 'arctic waste'. Looks like hills. The distance across the lake between villages is about 14 miles.
I have been doing extra work around the house. Rather tired I'll start on this Wednesday or Thursday.
Here is a 900 pixel area map of what I'll call the area or environs map.
Jim, you need to extend it a little further south to get in the actual 'dungeon' site.
Looks like the bottom got clipped a bit. It is on the original. Ill check it again.
On my cell and half asleep.
I did clip it, by 6 miles. Corrected screenshot uploaded above.
Here are two watabou dungeons I have selected, out of 5, to make the dungeon with. The others would require an L-shaped hill. sort of.
Which one should I use ? Or both ? or a different one ?
Why does it have to be L shaped? would it not fit entirely within any hill?
I can post one of them, but basically the entrance is more inside the rooms which go past the entrance. Of course. I could move the entrance. Hard to describe on text as I only saw them when I downloaded them.
I'll post them in a bit. Currently on my cell.
Here are the other two. I can get more, but I wanted to limit the choices. The ones I didn't download had less than 10 rooms.
The first one would likely need to have a hole/staircase of stone down into the entrance.
The second one would need the L-shape hill, in my opinion.
You could just add a few stairs to the L-shaped one in several places to get parts further underground Jim; or use a smaller dungeon level as the higher entrance level, with a stairway leading down to the larger, lower level. Just because there's a hill doesn't mean the dungeon's only within it, after all!
True. There could be surface ruins with debris filled stairs down to the dungeon. With a tunnel entrance off to one side.
I'm currently working on the area map. I'll probably upload a partial tonight or tomorrow. On my cell.
Not much done with the lake, nor have I placed the cave area. Added a sage's tower in the upper right forest.
I did figure out the color 172 Arctic Waste rocks. Tomorrow I'll get the mountains the glacier bit.
900 pixel jpg.
Jim, perhaps you should make the sage's tower bigger so it more matches with the scale of the other structures.
The scale is 2.0, but the sage's tower is 1.5 because at 2.0 it loomed over the trees. So I might make it somewhere between there.
Maybe 1.7
I chose 2.0 for the trees and hills, as at 1.0 they looked tiny.
So which dungeon do you like ? Or combo ?
All, but 1 and 3 look good
I misread your post. Somehow I got '1 and 3 not good'.
On mygood.
Anyone else with a suggestion ?
Only 2 levels in the dungeon.
I think I'll move on for the time being from the area map. I need to slowly move the mountains on the left into place. On the original it looks like the glacier is about to wipe out the tower.
Anyway, here is my preliminary area map. 900 pixel jpg.
Well, somehow I made this 1000 x 800 miles instead of 86 x 38 miles. Do I start over or is there a way I can scale it to the correct size ?
I tried to re-scale at 0.086 That got the width correct at 86 miles, but the height was double at 68 miles.
I can't get the scale command to give me the correct dimensions... I didn't start it in Mike Schley overland anyhow, so I'm starting over.
You can't really re-scale if the aspect ratio isn't the same.
I would have first re-scaled the original map, then started a new one in the correct size, then using clipboard copy to copy over the things from the old map, dropping the stuff that is now outside the map border.
I didn't think of that. Its going faster with the new map, and the correct symbol set/template.
Here we go. new map, template, 900 pixel jpg.
Added a bit more in, the mountain to the west of the western tower. 900 pixel jpg.
I'll be watching the live mapping and I have other things to do this afternoon.
I'm still looking for suggestions on the dungeon maps. I was thinking about ruins and a small dungeon, less than 10 rooms, then a larger number of rooms below that.
I think I'll use this one for the 'basement' under the ruins.
This one for the next level down. With the entrance on this map maybe for an entrance via a long tunnel.
And this one for a secret level, behind a secret door or two, to find the way down.
I may change my mind later on, or maybe rearrange some of the rooms.
Area map. I think this is complete unless there are suggestions. 900 pixel jpg, 2000 in gallery.
Only suggestions:
These are only suggestions, Jim.
I was thinking of adding some small tree areas out there.
The other suggestions sound good to.
On my cell. Just woke up.
( edit. I tend to wake up at random intervals. )
Here we go. The Gathering Place. Nomadic tents of elves. They tell anyone who sees them, they are merchants. They might even sell you something. Or say they are on their way to buy more goods and are currently out.
Their real reason is to head, not bunched up nor all at once but to eventually all arrive in the same week, to The Gathering Place. A ruined tower, all that is left of what they believe was once a might elf city.
There aren't enough ruins to justify such a claim, but they just 'know' that the stones that were there were carried off by evil forces to build something Evil. This could even be true. This has been passed down to them and their relatives. Is it true ? Well, they have found traces of foundations a mile away from this tower. And sometimes late at night they been awakened by a distant elf flute playing mournfully. Those that seek where the sound comes from, and never heard of again.
900 pixel jpg. 2000 in gallery.
Those are nomad tents around the ruined keep and south of it.
Looks great, and wonderful story