FINISHED: Amik, a realm in Erdan

Hey all. Haven´t had much time lately for mapping but going onwards my Erdan atlas, i´ve done this Amik map.

First of all, it´s a game world map so i decided to bring some points of interest for my players. Annual style "Ancient Realms", contained in the 2014 Annual, has an interesting view of marking them with circles and drawings, so did i. The rest is made with the Erdan annual published this year in March.

Amik was the northern part of the ancient Krislant Empire; too close to the Norg territories, it was a barely inhabited land so it was perfect for the Houses of Magic to establish their dominions. Each House took a floating island as a home and they built their Towers of Magic, symbols of their status. These Towers would spread all around Erdan later. The Krislant Empire was fragmented and dissapeared but Amik stayed being the home of the mages.

After the Houses of Magic fall in disgrace in the Possesed Era, the reborn Krislant Empire has taken the realm as a vassage one, with the Towers being enclosed and watched closely by the Inquisition. The rest of the realm is still poor and not much inhabited. The lands, now not protected by the mages, have been wilder and wilder and many dangers lurk around, facing the sun for the first time in ages. Not a good place to live nowadays, but in the shadows, helped by distant Tilkar magecracy, the remants of the Houses want to recover their former power.

Oh, btw, tech issue: i had to take Antialias OFF on my PNG export (4000x3200 pixels), as it made appear a clear line in the image. Even with a 10% antialias. It´s a known issue? Just wondering. Didnt take any quality hit.

Hope you like it.

MonsenLoopysue[Deleted User]RalfDoubleDoubleIndara1920CalibreArgoForgRicko
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